「三八」 婦女節的前世今生:從紐約工潮到國際節日



今天人們耳熟能詳的「三八」國際婦女節是從國際勞工運動派生出來的,英文是International Women’s Day,也可以翻譯成「國際婦女節日」,「國際女性節日」。


那場大遊行之後,美國社會主義黨 (Socialist Party of America,SPA) 於 1909年宣佈設立「全國婦女日」(National Women’s Day)。


1917年3月8日 (儒略曆2月23日),因食品短缺和工廠環境惡化爆發的聖彼得堡大罷工持續了三、四天,沙皇遜位,俄羅斯帝國杜馬成員成立臨時政府,並賦予女性選舉投票權,史稱「二月革命」,成為俄國「十月革命」的序幕。當時很多女工參加了大罷工,要求「麵包與和平」,要求選舉權。






Happy Women’s Day! 三八婦女節,簡單的英文祝福人人會說


1. Happy Women’s Day to all the incredible women! Shine on! Not just today but every day!

2. It’s Women’s day! Feel special and unique on top of the world!

3. Women are always a source of inspiration for the family and society. Happy Women’s Day to you!

4. I treasure you close to my heart. Here are my best wishes to you on International Women’s Day 2019!

5. To the woman of my dream: you fill my days with happiness and my world with love! (三八節順便告白可寫這句)

6. Congratulations, lovely woman. Today you deserve our/my most beautiful flowers and poetry! (不能只是說說,花跟詩請拿出來)

7. Best wishes to you on this special day! Live, Laugh and Love!

8. Your smile makes my heart sing. Thank you for being so wonderful!

9. Happy women’s day to you.You are special and you know that it’s true!

10. Happy Women’s Day, to those who are much more wonderful than they think, with all my love.

11. Some women are lost in the fire. But you are built from it! Best wishes on Women’s Day.

12. You smile and the world changes. Let the harmony and colors of spring shine in your lif.