Ryan’s Well: How a Six-Year-Old Boy Changed the World

Canadian youth activist Ryan Hreljac is widely known for his contributions towards improving access to water around the world. As the founder of the Ryan’s Well Foundation, he is dedicated to providing clean water to developing countries and improving the quality of life for local residents. His deeply moving story showcases young people’s limitless potential to change the world .

Early Inspiration

Ryan’s journey into philanthropy began in 1998 when he was just six years old. During one particular class at school, he learned that many parts of the world lacked access to safe drinking water. This revelation shocked him, as he had always assumed that obtaining clean water was as easy as walking a few steps to the water fountain at school. The stark contrast between his life and the struggles of others led him to take action. He started doing household chores to earn pocket money, which he then used to raise funds for digging wells in areas that needed help.

Establishing the Foundation

After a year of saving, Ryan successfully funded the construction of his first well in 1999 at the Angolo Primary School in Uganda. This achievement not only provided clean drinking water for the local students and staff but also significantly improved the lives of the community’s residents. His immense act of kindness quickly gained international attention, leading him to formally establish the Ryan’s Well Foundation in 2001, in order to promote water improvement efforts and educate children in Africa about water sanitation.

Impact and Achievements

By June 2023, the foundation had achieved impressive milestones: building over 1,767 wells in 16 countries and providing clean drinking water to more than 1.5 million people. These projects have not only improved the health of residents but also brought about far-reaching social effects. Local children no longer had to trek long distances to fetch water and could focus on their studies; community economies developed, creating more opportunities to improve the quality of life. Ryan’s contributions have been recognized worldwide; he has met with members of the British royal family and shared his story on numerous international media platforms.

Continuing the Effort

Despite these remarkable achievements, Ryan continues to push forward. He actively participates in international conferences, sharing his experiences and encouraging more people to get involved in water resource improvement efforts. He plans to become a water engineer in the future and continue contributing to the sustainable development of global water resources.

Ryan’s Spirit

Ryan’s story goes beyond personal accomplishments and has become a significant symbol in the global water movement. He has demonstrated through action that even young people, with firm belief and determination, can bring about significant change in the world. Not only has he improved the lives of countless individuals, but he has also inspired many young people worldwide to engage in charitable work. His experience teaches us that age is never a limitation – if you are determined, you can make a positive impact on the world. Ryan Hreljac’s story embodies an important truth: changing the world doesn’t require waiting until you grow up. Strong values, passion and determination are the key forces that drive change. His actions prove that everyone can contribute to creating a better world.

About SDGs

SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation | The Global Goals

